Mystery Quilt Part 4

Square in a Square (SiaS) Units

1.   Combine 7 fabric A squares 4 ¾” x 4 ¾” and 14 bg fabric squares 4″ x 4″ to make 7 A/bg Square in a Square (SiaS) units 6 ½” x 6 ½” using steps a.-e.

         a. Cut each 4″ x 4″ square (bg fabric) in half once diagonally.
         b. Center a triangle 4″ x 4″ along a first side of a 4 ¾” x 4 ¾” square (fabric A).  Sew along the edge with a scant ¼” seam (shown as a dotted line), pressing seam open or outwards.

         c. Sew a second triangle 4″ x 4″ on the side of the square opposite to the first side, pressing seam open or outwards. (Note: you can sew both of these triangles on then press instead of pressing after each addition.)

         d. Continue by sewing a third and fourth triangle onto the square, pressing seams open or outwards.
         e. Trim off the tabs (dog ears) formed by the sewn on triangles and square the unit to 6 ½” x 6 ½” (if necessary) making sure there is ¼” between the corner of the inner square and the outer side of the unit.  Repeat to form a total of 7 A/bg SiaS units 6 ½” x 6 ½”.

2. Repeat step 1 using 8 bg fabric squares 4 ¾” x 4 ¾” and 16 fabric C squares 4″ x 4″ to make 8 bg/C SiaS units 6 ½” x 6 ½”.